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Ya no están

Lindo cachorro


Un día fuimos a comprar forraje, y volvimos con un rescate. Teníamos que reponer forraje y pienso para las rumiantes, y a la vuelta vimos algo blanco moverse cerca de la carretera.

Estas cosas no las puedes pensar dos veces o asimilar, te tiras de cabeza "por si es que sí" y efectivamente era un pavito bebé.

Automáticamente pensamos en Wilbur, que no tenía a nadie en el santuario con quien comunicarse y que le entendiera, y él necesitaba ser salvado. Pensamos en el nombre June por la protagonista de la serie "El Cuento de la Criada", pues ambas han sido despojadas de su vida, familia, derechos... para convertirse en esclavas de sus propios cuerpos, para servir a otros.

Pasó de ser un bebé amarillo a un pavo gigante, con su moco que cambia de color según sus emociones, a quien le encanta ser uno más del grupo de aves, ovejas, o quien esté a su alrededor se adapta a lo que sea ;)

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One day we went to buy forage and we came back with a rescue. We needed to replenish the forage and the fodder for the ruminants and when we were coming back we saw something white moving close to the road.
You can't think twice in this situations, so we went striaght just in case and there was a baby turkey. Instantly we thought about Wilbur, who has no one to understand him in the sanctuary.
We thought about the name "June" concerning to the main character from the Handmaid's Tale, because both was stripped of their live, family, rights... to become slaves of their own bodies, to serve someone else.
He moved from being a yellow small baby to became a giant turkey, with his caruncle changing the color depending on her feelings. He loves being part of the bid's group, sheeps or anyone near, he can adapt to everything ;)


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